
Why your insurance is more expensive than your friend’s?

Why your insurance is more expensive than your friend’s?

While you and your friend might be at the same age and stage, your insurance premiums may well look very different. This is because your premium is about more than the standard age-and-gender-based underlying rate. It also takes into account your unique personal circumstances. Here’s an in-depth look at how insurance premiums work, and why yours might be […]

Why your insurance is more expensive than your friend’s? Read More »

The ownership of an insurance policy isn’t as simple as it sounds. There are several different types of policy ownership

The ownership of an insurance policy isn’t as simple as it sounds. There are several different types of policy ownership

The ownership of an insurance policy isn’t as simple as it sounds. There are several different types of policy ownership, and each comes with its own considerations. But there’s one thing all policy ownerships have in common; they’re determined by law. And your insurer always has to follow the law, no matter what. Did you

The ownership of an insurance policy isn’t as simple as it sounds. There are several different types of policy ownership Read More »

None of us wants to fall ill, but it’s a fact of life that it happens from time to time. If you or a family member were

None of us wants to fall ill, but it’s a fact of life that it happens from time to time.

None of us wants to fall ill, but it’s a fact of life that it happens from time to time. If you or a family member were to become unwell, perhaps seriously, wouldn’t you want timely access to quality medical care, when and where it suits you? Private health insurance can help to give you

None of us wants to fall ill, but it’s a fact of life that it happens from time to time. Read More »

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